Friday, June 7, 2013

Already Time for Taste Testing?!

Oh, what a week it's been!

  • Paul assigned Callie and I are projects
  • We'll be working to schedule meetings with food brokers and, of course, prep for each mtg accordingly
  • Time management, tasks' priority and communication are key as we start each project!
  • Callie and I received training in some of the different softwares we'll be using throughout the summer (Computrition, etc)
  • We also started working on our projects; some projects will be carried our independently while others are more of a collaborative effort
  • Continued working on projects; set up quite a few meetings for this week and next week
  • After lunch, Paul gave us the rest of the day off!
  • It was GORGEOUS out - Callie and I went hiking up Beartooth Canyon, it was so quaint and serene
Beartooth Canyon
  • We had some interesting encounters with some strange people, DEER aaaand BIG FOOT



  • Our first sampling! Lamb Weston Potatoes - nommmmz :) fries, fries, and more fries!
  • Callie was the lead on this project
(LtoR) "Q", Duane, Callie, Mike
  • Callie and I went on a lovely morning hike, then out for breakfast at this cute cafe! AMAZING food and service :)

  • We came in to work a little later than usual as we're helping out with a catering event tonight
Catering- we learned to carry THREE plates at a time! :)
  • MY first project with a food broker coming to life :) We met with Kameron from Brakebush Brothers Inc., sampled some sriracha chicken bites! more sampling next week.
Stay Tuned! xx

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