Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Week at FSU

Today marked one week exactly since I arrived at Ferris State in north west Michigan. The drive coming up from Pennsylvania was beautiful-- lots of farms, open fields and great landscaping. Once Emily (my internship partner) and I arrived, Brenda (our internship coordinator) and Abigail (Brenda's student assistant) drove us around the campus and surrounding the town. For being in such a small town there's a lot to do and see-- I've already made of bucket list of things to do before the end of July!

At the Michigan Welcome Center-- after 9 hours of driving!!!

Awesome goodybag courtesy of Brenda :)

After touring the campus and dining facility ("The Rock") for a day or two, we were put to work! I've gotten a chance to meet with the overall director of The Rock as well as managers, cooks, and student workers. Every day our schedule is packed full of fun, unique, and sometimes exhausting activities (Thursday I was at the bakery at 4am!!). Our internship is centered around The Rock, and by the end of the 8 weeks we will have been put in charge of supervising and managing the facility, so to get acquainted Emily and have been working different stations within The Rock. The Rock is set us as an all you care to eat facility with differnet themed stations; students with meal plans can come and go as they please (unlimited access for one price). What makes The Rock unique from other dining halls in college is the large amount of locals that dine there as well. We've been told that people have driven 50+ miles just to experience FSU's dining program and sales have increased almost 150% because of the community diners.

Display plates of all the menu items are arranged 3 times a day.

On Friday night I worked at "Grillin' Out", cooking up some great steaks as well as garlic toast and corn.


After a long week of hard work, Emily and I decided to explore the downtown area. Not too far from campus there are a few blocks filled with great places to eat, fun thrift stores and regular clothing shops. Probably what stands out the most about FSU is the pride the community has for it. FSU's mascot is a bulldog, and different statues and interpretations can been seen all throughout campus and downtown.

An awesome country store with homemade fudge and candy apples.

I've already learned and seen a lot at Ferris State, I can't wait to see what this upcoming week has to offer!!

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