Sunday, June 16, 2013

The University of Kansas Week 2 Experience, Through the Eyes of a Wiscandian.

Week 2 Update, take it while it's hot.

Having someone from Wisconsin and someone from Canada (Wiscandian as some would call us) can bring many different perspectives and views on Food Service Management. We’ve already taken a big cannonball splash here at KU, learning the small, fine details that goes into running a self operated food service operation. Being here for 2 weeks at the University of Kansas has taught us probably the most important lesson one can ever learn about any type of business.... “A business is only as good as its employees.” Jackson and I had already felt like we were part of the KU Dining family because everyone was so kind and open to all of the questions we asked and the suggestions we had to offer. As if that didn’t make us feel welcome enough, the entire KU Dining Staff held a business lunch for Jackson and I at its very own Impromptu Cafe. Someone must have told the staff the key to our hearts, or in fact, the key to any man’s heart (take notes ladies)..... FOOD WITH BACON. We each had a DUCK BLT.... yes you heard us right.... DUCK BACON. It was absolutely phenomenal and to be honest, it may be hard to go back to regular pig bacon... it just won’t be the same :( We wanted to thank the entire staff for their hospitality, gifts, and warm welcome they gave us. It will truly be a luncheon we will never forget! Here are some photos of the crew at the lunch in.

This past week we completed our sandwich crafter certification at Brellas.....Talk about a hole in one! Who knew sandwich crafting took so much artistic talent and passion to make such delicious creations. Needless to say, we can make the best sandwich in the midwest region of the USA. Watch out Subway...we're coming for ya.

On top of becoming a certified sandwich artisan, we also became Barista certified at The Studio . We are now capable of making specialty coffee drinks of which we can’t even properly pronounce half of their names! The Studio has a sweet mural in it that was done all by spray paint and depicts some major accomplishments in KU history.

We learned how to make pretty much every coffee under the sun and got to work with the Maserati of espresso makers.  We learned the difference between espresso and good ol’ coffee and which kind of roast has the most caffeine in those dire times of need.  Of course we had to try every drink we made so by the end of the day we had more than enough energy to run a marathon once....twice... maybe three times to be honest.  Needless to say we feel pretty awesome walking into coffee shops now.  Our sandwich crafter certification was done at Brellas, a self branded sandwich/wrap concept here at KU.  Not only is KU’s basketball team out of this world but their Crunchy Chicken Cheddar Wrap, which we now know how to craft, can hold its own.  The Cooking Channel recently held a competition for the Best College Town Eats and the CCC wrap danced its way all the way to the Elite 8.  The Brellas we worked at is located within one of their retail operations called, The Market.  The Market is getting a facelift this summer and we were able to put in some outsiders perspective input on what would help bring in more customers.  It’s amazing what food concepts can look like from a Wiscandian point of view.

We also had the privilege to attend any food lover’s dream.... a menu committee meeting. Honestly who doesn't love free food? At the menu committee meeting, we discussed all specifications involved with menu options and in order to create, change, or substitute menu options, the committee discusses things like the products taste, sustainability, popularity, and its cost control in the procurement process. We tasted items ranging from chicken sauces, to vegan cheese...... lets just say the vegan cheese we tasted wasn’t for Kevin....or Jackson.... or in fact, anyone at the meeting. We learned that KU dining takes every single ingredient on their menu very seriously, making sure every item is the best possible choice for its students, staff, and faculty.

Until next week...


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