Thursday, June 13, 2013

Week 3 as a Bobcat!

Three weeks in and already learned so much!

We've had meetings back to back this entire week - phew!

Importance of flexibility has been reinforced as nothing ever goes according to plan. However, we accomplished all we wanted to this week - YAY!

We met with more brokers and did more food samling - getting ready for fall.

chorizo patty, chicken sausage brat, italian parm chicken sausage, and crab cakes!
Intermountain Brokers
Callie and I have also been lucky enough to head meetings with food brokers on our own. Paul gives great direction and has taught us how to prep before the mtg, take notes during, and follow up after.

Time management has been KEY! Scheduling mtgs in the mornings has proven effective - makes it easier fit in last minute things as they, undoubtedly, come up. 

Learned more about Computrition software - creating new recipes and inputing data. Very detail oriented project. 

We've also learned a lot about procurement and production. And built great relationships with the Food Service staff at MSU :)
best part - more food samples! ;)

chocolate silk and chocolate sunshine cakes from Fat Cat Bakery (Montana State's bakeru)
Personal challenge: quit playing with hair - can be distracting! eeekkk wish me luck!

Forecast for next week - more meetings. tour of ranch and meat processing facility. more sampling. R&D new recipes. and whatever else may come our way.


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