Sunday, June 16, 2013

UGA week 2

UGA week 2

Early Birds!
We got up bright and early on Monday, and went to Bolton to learn about opening the dinning commons. We got to help serve prepare breakfast. One of the important parts of opening shift in the morning is to prepare large quantities of each of the entrees wrap them and keep them in the warmers to replace the Breakfast entrees on the line. This is very helpful when we got large rushes of campers. The largest groups we served were different camps staying at UGA's campus!

Our beautiful Residence Hall early in the morning!

Racquetball Ball!
Starting so early, also means ending our work days earlier in the afternoons. So Colleen and I took advantage of this and went to the Ramsey Center (the workout center at UGA). We decided we want to learn Racquetball, we love found it to be lots of fun so far. 
Coll and I playing Raquetball

New Scott Hall!
This week we got learn about and visit the construction site of UGA's newest dinning commons Scott Hall! We talked with the director of the project Bryan. He showed us the blue prints and talked to us about all that goes into building a dinning commons. He told us about all you have to consider such as building materials and how they will hold up in cooking, cleaning, moisture and heat. Spacing is also a large concern. You have to consider the how many chairs and tables can fit while still leaving enough room between food stations and dispensers for everyone to sit comfortably.

                                  Colleen and I at the Construction site for the new Scott Hall!

You're Hired!
On Friday we met with Stacia and learned all about hiring student workers for UGA Food Services. UGA food Services employs the most student workers of any department on campus. In order to work for UGA food Services as a student, you can not work more than 2 hours a week and you must be enrolled at least part time in classes. Stacia told us all about her hiring process and we even got to help her  hire someone ourselves!

On Sunday we took advantage of the Beautiful weather and went to the local Legion Pool! One of my favorite parts of Athens so far. I absolutely loved spending the afternoon pool side!

Legion Pool
 (at a nice 84 degrees)

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