Sunday, June 9, 2013

Having a Hoot at Penn State!

During this last week at Penn State, we focused a lot on developing team building skills and learning ways to work with different types of people. On Monday, we learned about the Native American Medicine Wheel which uses personality types to determine leadership styles. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the four personality types, East, West, North and South, I learned how to work better with people who innately think differently than I do. Through this training, I discovered that I am an East personality which means I am full of ideas, but don't always follow through with them. I really enjoyed learning about this leadership method and plan on using it during the management experience portion of the internship. 

On Tuesday, we ventured out to Shaver’s Creek nature center for a team building program. There we participated in a variety of activities which required us to work as a group. Throughout each activity, our facilitator provoked conversation about how we worked as a group and what was and wasn’t successful.

Shaver's Creek Nature Center

 All of the birds at Shaver's Creek are rescued and could not survive in the wild.

One of the activities was to guide a fellow intern that had been blindfolded around the bird sanctuary and describe a bird to them as best we could. They then had to use that information to correctly identify the bird.

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