Monday, June 17, 2013

Done With Week 2 at Purdue!

Hello from warm and sunshine-y Lafayette :) Before I share my experiences from the past week, I thought I would include some pictures that should have been in my last post! One exciting item that was waiting for me in my room when I first got to Purdue was my very official name tag. Since my name tag last summer was a plastic laminate, this was definitely a few steps up. 

Also, I have been loving my room here at Purdue. The First Street Towers residence hall recently opened in 2009, and with a single room, private bathroom, and shared kitchenette, it has been comfortable living and has been transformed into my new home.
First Street Towers - much bigger than it looks

Throughout week 2, Bianca and I had the pleasure of working alongside the cooking staff at Hillenbrand Dining court, which is a convenient 3 minute walk from our rooms. We became more comfortable with the kitchen’s large-scale equipment such as their steam-jacketed kettles and, by the end of the week, were could confidently navigate the 4 walk-in coolers, store room, and food prep areas ourselves.

One of the most exciting and busiest days of our time at Hillenbrand was last Thursday –
Bianca and I assisted the head chef and other workers to staff a banquet for over 100 guests. We helped serve a Polish-themed meal, complete with pirogis, steamed red cabbage, gingerbread cake, and much more. The preparation and bustling around to serve and accommodate the guests definitely made our work day fly by! Having Polish background myself, it was cool to see the meal come together and to interact with the guests. My favorite part of the evening was when one woman saw my name tag and expertly pronouncing my last name as “Yah-noosh” (Polish for John), thrilled by our shared heritage; I only wish I was fluent enough to hold a conversation longer than “DzieƄ Dobry” (good afternoon).

All in all, the best part of working in Hillenbrand was learning from our co-workers and making many new friends. We were sad to tell people we wouldn’t be back this week, but we’ll be visiting again later in the summer! After our work week, Bianca and I were ready to do some exploring (and eating) downtown on Main Street.
Fun art near the farmers market

We met an artist who recycles old items to make awesome 3D art!

Didn't get the chance to eat here yet, but it's my favorite movie, and a happy word :)
Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way 

If you couldn't tell, Lafayette is full of art!

Mmm, Irish Whiskey Bread Pudding and Cinnamon Cranberry ice cream - it tasted like Thanksgiving

Walking bridge over the Wabash River

Of course, we had to end our Friday night by making a wish in the fountain :)

Looking forward to our adventures during week 3 - looks like it will be jam packed with lots of new projects, tours, and activities. Can't wait!

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