Saturday, June 8, 2013

University of Nevada, Reno - Week 1

Hello, my name is Megan.  I will be a senior at Oklahoma State University this fall.  My major is nutrition, and I hope to become a registered dietician.  

This summer I am blessed to be able to intern at the University of Nevada, Reno.  Being from Oklahoma, I was excited to escape to somewhere dry and hot! This first week it has mostly been in the 90's with absolutely no humidity. I love it!

I arrived here Saturday afternoon, by plane, and one of the directors who will be working with me, Chuck, picked me up.  On Saturday I got a tour of the main resident dining facility, and then I explored campus a bit on my own.  I was greeted to my dorm with a wonderful basket full of food, a mini fridge full of drinks, and a UNR t-shirt and other gear.  

On Sunday I explored downtown Reno (I’m sure I will have more to post about downtown Reno in the future).  

I am so blessed to get to wake up to this every morning:

Day 1 – Monday morning I met with the Resident District Manager, Chris, and the Associate Director for Housing Operations and Dining Services, Russ.  They gave me an overview of what I would be working on this summer.  Next, Chris gave me a tour of campus.  The campus is so gorgeous; I will definitely have more pictures to come.  The rest of the day mainly consisted of paperwork and training videos. 

Day 2-4 - The rest of the week I mainly worked with Kyle, who is the Director of Catering Operations.  Kyle is about my size (4’11’’) and full of energy.  I loved working with her.  We looked at billing and scheduling, and I was able to spend some time in the catering kitchen; most of what we did, however, involved running between events and making sure everything and everybody were where they were supposed to be.  UNR catering hosts events nonstop, and I have learned that catering requires a lot of coordination and attention to details. 

(One of the catering events I was able to help with.)

Day 5 – Friday morning I finished the last of my training videos, then the rest of the day consisted of job shadowing at The Overlook, one of UNR’s main dining locations.

The next two weeks I will mainly be at The Downunder Cafe, UNR’s main residential dining area.

This week was way better than I imagined and I look forward to many more great opportunities! 

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