Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Adventures of a Penn State Intern: Week 5

Wow! I cannot believe we are passed the halfway mark!

Last week itinerary included a discussion about the different components of diversity, understanding the operation of The Mix (convenience store on campus), and meeting with the registered dietitian and student nutrition assistant to discuss their job responsibilities and ideas 

My favorite part about last week was going on the field trip with Chef Bill.We went to Belleville, Pennsylvania to the Amish Market. Some of the highlights of the field trip included seeing a livestock auction, observing a different culture, eating,  and shopping without breaking my pockets.

Below are some pictures from the field trip:  

The overview of the market

Some of the animals that were being auctioned.

Where the livestock auction occurred.

The "parking lot" for the horses.

We stopped by a small restaurant for lunch. The food was delicious. This meal really made day.

One of my purchases at the market. 50 CENTS!!!  A bargain shopper's dream!!!

A delicious investment!

We also stopped by a winery. It was my first time wine tasting. I was really interesting learning about different wine and how they were classified.

 Also last Thursday, the other interns and I competed in a Culinary Challenge. Overall, I thought it was a great experience. Some unplanned events did occur while I was cooking, but I could not dwell on my mistake I had to keep it moving. (Life lesson moment). Congrats to Elise for winning the challenge!

 I made a salad with romaine lettuce and spinach with mango, walnuts, blue cheese, red onion, and shrimp.

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