Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 3 at University of Wyoming! :)

Hello again!

    Can't believe we just finished up our third week! We have been learning a ton, but still have so much left to do!

    This week we worked for back of the house Washakie Dining Center. We started off with a meeting with Tom our co-director.  Tom went through how he works and what his responsibilities were.  He had us work with Pam and Chris who are a couple to the main chefs that do all the prep work and make the meal happen.  Emily and I cut bread this morning for meatball sub sandwiches and boy did that bread smell so good.  We had a lot of fun talking with Pam and learning how she became to where she is today.  She told us more about culinary school and we really saw the passion that she had for this job.  Once the brunch/lunch shift began we helped the student workers and the cooks get things they needed.  The rest of that day we spent researching for other projects. And a word to the wise... drink water! I had been feeling faint and realized how dehydrated I was getting, and scared Tom when I thought I might faint in his office! (Don't worry all is well!)  So if you ever visit Laramie, bring your water bottle!

World of Flavors 

Not a very good picture, but it's there gluten free/allergy free section!

Breakfast & More!

The Pizzeria!

Lettuce N' Ladle!

The Grand Grill

Emily & I showing off our chef coats!

   We had been excited for this day all last week. We got to go to a food show in Denver! It was really cool! Emily and I drove down to Denver with Mark, who is in charge of recipe development. Once we arrived we went around to each vendor and sampled their products.  The main thing to keep in mind was to have an idea of what you are looking for and how you could use their product (if you decide to use it.)  We tried various items that were all very tasty. I even tried Buffalo meat for the first time! After the show we headed back, tired with our full bellies.

Micro Veggies! Look how small that zucchini is!
Yum, Ice cream!
Emily & I

   Back of the house again! Emily and I prepped for the lunch/brunch and worked with Lorna who is primarily in charge of the salad bar.  Emily and I took turns stirring country gravy, and making scrambled eggs.  This was pretty tough and takes a lot of upper arm strength for a long period of time.  After getting brunch/lunch started we assisted in peeling avocado to be used the next day for guacamole. After lunch we spent the rest of the afternoon helping the students clean, made tons of sack lunches for campers and assisted in the dinner rush.
Emily stirring Country Gravy!
Me stirring country gravy! 
Emily scrambling eggs.

   This day we met with Becky who is in charge of Cbord administration, and being the production manager.  Becky was really helpful in terms of teaching us what serving line sheets were, how to make changes in the menu and then order the items needed. Becky was really enthusiastic about what she does, and it was really refreshing talking with her.  After work Emily and I decided to check out the farmers market in town and we got a lot of really cool things!
Jams galore!

  Emily and I helped out at ACRES student farms with their interns for the morning. We spent a lot of time weeding, and getting rid of thistle (ouch!)  It was nice for a change of pace, and Emily and I didn't waste any time getting dirty.  It was cool to see the set up of the farm and learn more about the interns they have helping there.  Justin who was in charge always has his dog Salem with him. Salem is a very friendly pup and we enjoyed having him around. The rest of the afternoon we cleaned up and headed back to meet Amy at Washakie.  We put some finishing touches on the cookie packaging for orientation while chatting about how the internship was going.
The farm
The farm
Emily playing with Salem
Such a cute pup!

This weekend I ventured out to the Veedauwoo camping area where I got to hike along the trail. It was a gorgeous day for it. Then that evening Emily and I went for a dinner downtown at one of our favorite spots. We are determined to try a majority of their menu because it's soooo good. We thoroughly enjoyed the meal and spent the rest of the weekend relaxing.

Hiking at Veedauwoo!

Until next time!

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