Monday, June 17, 2013

UIUC Week Two!

I can't believe it has already been two weeks here at UIUC! My second week seemed to fly by faster than the first. 
The work week began with a tour of the Training Table and meeting the registered dietitian who runs the operation.  UIUC's Training Table is located underneath their football stadium, Memorial Stadium.  That place is huge and glorious looking! 
Memorial Stadium @ UIUC

Anyways, the Training Table is a campus dining operation that consists of a kitchen, serving area, and dining area that is accessible to the university's athletes.  The football players get to eat there the most often (every dinner, I think), but other teams are also welcome to eat there once a day during certain times of the year (mostly when their sport is in season).  It was awesome to talk to Katie, the registered dietitian in charge.  She has her certification in Sports Dietetics, and since that is a particular interest of mine, I appreciated being able to pick her brain.  Monday also consisted of going to the local natural foods store, Strawberry Fields, to look for special foods to buy for incoming summer campers who require special diets.  I always love grocery shopping!
The rest of the week was absolutely a great way!!  I reported to Ikenberry Dining Hall's kitchen to partake in recipe testing!  I was in charge of making three different salads that incorporated three different grains; quinoa, millet, and spelt.  The first day of working in the kitchen was a bit terrifying, but after asking people to point me in the right direction multiple times, I eventually found my bearings and had the time of my life.  I learned so much about recipes in a college food service as well. For instance, I never realized how time consuming weighing everything out is.  And then preparing the multiple pounds of ingredients is a monstrous task, too!  Everyone on staff was so helpful and I thoroughly enjoyed working there this last week.  I'm going to miss the Ikenberry kitchen and the fantastic people I got to work with there. 

Here are some pictures of the recipes I tested:

1) Quinoa Salad w/ Apples, Craisins, Feta Cheese, and Toasted Walnuts

This one was my favorite!!! I think it was everyone else's fav. too...
2) Warm Spelt Salad w/ Carrots, Raisins, Cumin, and Cilantro
This one was really good too!

    3) Millet Salad w/ Broccoli and Chickpeas w/ a Sesame Dressing on the side     
I enjoyed this one, but not as much as the other two.

I was also able to test a recipe for roasted chickpeas and got to choose my own blends of seasoning for them.  The one on the left is Old Bay, and the one on the right is Spicy Garlic Ginger! I love, love, love spicy food! So...I might have made them a wee bit too spicy for the Average Joe...I'll try to tone it down next time. ;)    

Also, when I wasn't testing recipes, I was helping the kitchen staff with whatever they needed.  That meant that I got to work in the bakery on Wednesday morning!!! That was so much fun.  Even though I didn't get to eat any of the goodies, I still enjoyed working with all of the sweets.
Nestle Toll House Pies.  Basically, you take an empty pie shell
 and stuff it with choc. chip cookie dough.  Kill me now.

They are frozen and then baked fresh before being served.   

I got to use the huge HOBART mixing machine! I made vanilla frosting for...


Frosting and sprinkling cupcakes was so fun, but very messy!

My third week is already off to a great start.  I hope everyone else is having a wonderful week too! Until next time...

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