Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Adventures of a Penn State Intern: Week 2

Week 2 was packed with so many activities.  We meet directors and managers who worked in the Auxiliary & Business Services and in the Residential Dining department . Some of the topics that were discussed included finances, sustainability, assisting students with food allergies, and understanding students needs and wants. 

Also, last week the other interns and I got the chance to tour and work in the Bryce Jordan Center (BJC), which is where basketball games and big events are held at Penn State. During the past weekend we help the catering staff serve over 1200 high students during math completion. By working there I realized how organized and efficient you have to be when preparing for an event. 
The Bryce Jordan Center (BJC)
Where all the basketball games and big concert happen in the BJC

The practice court in the BJC

Last Thursday, we headed to Altoona, Pennsylvania to the Penn State Altoona campus  for the ABS Conference. We learned an array of topics that included food allergies, the importance of sustainability, some legal terminology and embracing diversity. I also cannot forget about the delicious food that we consumed during lunch …... the cheesecake took me to food heaven. I would love to thank the chefs and food service staff for that wonderful meal.
Some of the delicious food at the ABS conference

Personal Achievements!

 One of my goals this summer was to break out of my comfort zone and try to new things. Well, last week I tried many new things. On Thursday, I went hiking for the first time. Even though, I thought I would perish due to exhaustion on the hiking trail , Lisa and the other women in the adventurous club kept pushing me and help me reach my goal. Overall, I thought the hike was incredible and had the best workout ever. On Friday, I also went kayaking for the first time facing my fear of the water. These experiences were so amazing to me and I really appreciate Lisa Wandel for providing this opportunities. For those who know me know that I do not have an outdoor nature bone in my whole entire body so these were true accomplishments. 

The mountain we hiked

Lisa and I canoeing in the lake

Me kayaking  (I was so nervous)

1 comment:

  1. so great to hear you're stepping out of your comfort zone - not many are so willing! good luck on all your adventures :) i love the outdoors!! xx
