Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rounding Out Week 2 at PSU!

It's insane to think that two weeks have already flew by and that we are now approaching week 3 here at Penn State. As the rush of on campus events like Happy Volley came to a yield, the fellow interns and I had the chance to take a trip into nature and get involved with team building activities. Here are some pictures and captions from the team activity from Shavers Creek Environmental Park that I will never forget. 

Every bonding trip starts with a story time. After being asked several thought-process questions, all of the interns, including myself, shared different situational stories and different metaphorical approaches to the scenarios we were asked about. 

We then took on the challenge of plumbing together a pipe figure of someone who meant the most to us in means of a role model.

To switch things up, I'll let you guys add the caption for these 3 pictures!! 

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