Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Adventures of a Penn State Intern: Week 3

Week 3 involved a lot of exploring and team building.

Last Monday, we spent time with Michelle, who works in the Axillary & Business Services Building. She did a presentation about the Native American Medicine Wheel that helped us figure out our strengths and weaknesses by identifying if we were east, west, north or south. I found out I was a South, which means I really care about people and being a team player. However, I have a hard time saying no to people, even if I am really busy and overwhelmed with other things.

We also spend time with Chef Mark during a culinary training. He helped us work on basic knife skills by practicing our cutting techniques on common food items like potatoes and onions. He also discussed his job responsibilities and the history of culinary arts.

My special rendition of a apple swan (with a broken wing) I did at the culinary training. 

We also spent some time at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center for team building activities. The center was really peaceful and inviting. I was also really interesting seeing the display of all the animals that rescued due to injuries I thought it was a great experience in getting to the interns more. The event really encouraged the importance of team work and having trust in your team members.

                                                  Some of the team building activities we did. 



              Some of the animals at the center

The Poison Ivy chair at Shaver's Creek

Couple days during the week, we went to the HUB, which is like a student union at Penn State. We were given a detail tour of the building and got the opportunity to working in the different areas of the food court like Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, the salad bar. The managers and employees were every helpful in assisting us.

Last Friday, the other interns and I went to the Penn Stater for lunch and met other directors and staff members who work at the  Axillary & Business Services building. It was very interesting hearing about  their job responsibilities  and stories of how they started working at Penn State.

 The other interns and I at the Penn Stater for lunch
This past Saturday, we got the opportunity to work at Findlay Dining Commons to prepare food and serve participants in the Special Olympics event. It was a great seeing all the participants smiling and showing off their medals they won. It was such a positive experience. 

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