Friday, June 7, 2013

Megan's Week 1 at Michigan State University

Since this is my first post, I'll take just a moment to introduce myself to all of the other interns, and whoever else may find themselves reading this blog. My name is Megan Thacker. I am a Texas native and current senior at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. I am studying dietetics and have loved my first week here at MSU! It's been a lot of fun getting to know the other intern, Jeanette. I'm sure you'll be seeing a post from her soon too! We both are really excited to share about our experience here, so we'll both be posting about each week, at least at first. 

I arrived in Michigan last weekend. This is my first time ever coming to Michigan, but I had high expectations thanks to some friends who grew up in the state. Don't worry, Michigan did not disappoint! Granted I haven't seen much of the state, but everything I have seen is absolutely beautiful! I'm in love after only one short week. 

The first official day of the internship was Monday. This day consisted of meeting a lot of the people we'll be working with this summer and finishing up paperwork and all that fun stuff! We saw some of campus and got all set up for the rest of the summer. We also got to eat a few meals in The Gallery, one of the dining halls on campus and the one that we'll be spending the majority of our time working in. 

All of my official Spartan garb 
 Jeanette and I have taken a lot of walks exploring campus and have hit most of the photo ops. Here I am with one of the university's signs.
I think this campus is just beautiful! This river runs through campus. It's really pretty and helps us find our way home often!

Tuesday and Wednesday we were working in The Gallery. We helped out in different stations in the dining hall and had fun getting to know the chefs and other employees. We spent a lot of time helping out in the prep kitchen.
This sign was hanging up in the kitchen. It made me laugh. I'm wondering how strictly they enforce it...
Jeanette getting a lot of prep done for the salad area
You can never have too many breakfast sandwiches
Tuesday also happened to be my birthday. The MSU dining employees that we're working with for the internship were really nice and bought me a cake!
 Jeanette and I found the Spartan statue on campus, so of course I had to get a picture with him.
Had to get a shot of the football stadium.

Thursday was a change of pace. We met Joe Garza, the manager of Sparty's on campus. Sparty's is the name of the convenient store/coffee shop/cafe outlets that are located throughout campus. Joe started Sparty's and has continued to build and expand it over the years. It was really interesting and cool to hear him talk about all of the retail dining on campus, especially Sparty's. We visited the different locations and learned about the business side of things. 
Jeanette and I with Joe at one of the Starbucks locations on campus.

Thursday afternoon we met with the dietitian, which I was really excited about since that's what I'm studying at BYU. Our project this summer involves evaluating the fall menus for the fall locations and making sure that there are options in each location at each meal for those with allergies and that things are properly labeled. Once we get access to the online MSU system, we'll be all set to go on our project. 

Friday was another day at The Gallery, but working in different stations.
Jeanette serving lunch in Latitudes
I was in Brimstone which serves a lot of grill items

Things are going well at MSU. I'm really excited to see what the rest of my time here is like! I'm excited for all of the opportunities coming up.

Temporary Spartan,

1 comment:

  1. And to think we have only scratched the surface of what MSU has planned for us :)
