Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Farewell to Big Rapids

I cannot believe our time at FSU has come to an end! This summer really did fly by.

Some of the highlights of this last week included doing a food safety in-service for some of the full-time food service workers, as well as a couple fun field trips! Brenda took us to an Amish cheese factory near Greenville, MI. We got a behind-the-scenes look at the extensive process required to make cheese. One of the employees was explaining to us the huge number of tests and precautions they take to ensure that the process is as natural and sanitary as possible. They had really cool flavored cheeses like bacon, horseradish, smoked cheddar (that is actually smoked over wood), and habanero (only for those brave enough to try it). They use real and natural ingredients to flavor these cheeses. Some of the most delicious cheese I've ever tasted!

One of my favorite field trips yet was Hilhof, which is a USDA-certified organic dairy farm. All of their cows are also grass-fed, which has reduced the incidence of sickness and disease among the animals to almost none. We got to try both the skim milk and chocolate milk. I had never tasted natural, unprocessed milk before so the taste was different for me! It was a lot less sweet since there was no added sugar, as there often is with store-bought milk. The owner even gave us some cream to take home to make butter with! All you have to do is let it sit out for 6-8 hours, shake it for about 5 min. in a jar, and voila!

A lovely day at the farm!

Mr. Brutus. Half dog, half cow.

They sure love cows

Margaret and I also each got to do a mock interview to practice our interviewing skills. It was a little nerve-racking being put on the spot in front of Laurie, Brenda, Mike, and Bryan, but I think we both did well!

Looking all professional for the big interview

Brenda sent us off with a lovely farewell reception with delicious treats and presents! It was sad saying goodbye to everyone that we've gotten to know so well these past 2 months, but I know that we will stay in contact with them.

Margaret, Melody, and me 
Brenda, our lovely coordinator

Farewell Big Rapids! You've treated us well.

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