Sunday, July 21, 2013

Themed Meals at FSU

This is the week we have been preparing for all summer- our themed meals! We have spent a good deal of this internship planning and preparing for our special lunches and this week Margaret and I finally got to execute them! 

My theme was "A Taste of the Mediterranean" and consisted of lemon chicken breast, Mediterranean quinoa salad, grilled zucchini and summer squash, basil pesto vegetable soup, and Greek baklava for dessert. While I was a little nervous introducing something like quinoa to a lot of the employees and locals who had never heard of it before, I'm glad I took the leap. Some people seemed to really enjoy it, while others didn't care for it. Some people gave me feedback that it was refreshing to see a different, healthy option being offered at the Rock. Just what I was going for!

Overall, the meal was a great success! I have a feeling this coming week is going to fly by as we're quickly approaching the last of our time here at Ferris State. How crazy!

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