Tuesday, July 16, 2013

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!

It's our last day here at UConn.

The depression has sunken in fully.

We've made so many great memories in our short 8 weeks here and we've learned more than we could've ever imagined.  We are so thankful to everyone that took the time to teach us new skills and share their knowledge with us.  The past 8 weeks have flown by and we wish we had more time to spend with all of the people who made this internship great.

We'd like to give a special shout out to Carol Cronin, our internship coordinator.  She created an amazing schedule for us and was there for us every step of the way.  We have learned every facet of food service management from planting and picking produce to preparing the food to be served at the dining halls.  She arranged exclusive tours for us to give us an inside look at restaurants, casinos, and food manufacturers.  She made this internship the absolute best it could be and we could not be more grateful to her.  We were handed off to her by two extremely protective mothers and she did not let them down when she told them she would take great care of us.  She will forever be our east coast mama.

Thank you to all of the managers, chefs, chef assistants, and kitchen assistants at McMahon, South, Buckley, North, Northwest, Putnam, Gelfenbien, and the Union Street Market for all the tips and tricks they shared with us, especially how to make it through the 6am shifts. 

We definitely won't miss hiking up the mountain of stairs outside McMahon everyday but leaving everything else will be really sad.  Leaving our home away from home is an extremely unpleasant thought but we'll be back soon to see all of you fantastic people.  We'll miss you all dearly!

So long and thanks for all the fish.

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