Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 7 in the Upper Peninsula

This week was full of excitement for work-related projects and for learning the U.P. way when it comes to music festivals. I have really learned to enjoy my time here and am not looking forward to leaving Marquette, MI!

GFS Tour
I had the pleasure of touring GFS from a supervisor perspective this week. It was nice to see the store from another viewpoint, for my mother purchases food for parties from the GFS facilities in Indiana. The attention to customer service GFS brings is what stood out most!

Picnic is sneaking up on us!
This week we really had to plan out exactly what we needed to do to execute the employee summer picnic. As I have probably said, I wanted to keep things simple. The menu has been set for weeks with the burger and toppings bar the focal point, but decorations still needs to be completed. The dream team (see picture below) is ready for this epic burger bar picnic!

Allergen Program 
The Allergen Manual is coming along great. I've started transferring the information to a more appealing format using InDesign. Thus far, I have created a 20 page manual dedicate to informing the student employees and cooks how to cook and serve food safely to avoid cross-contamination.
I'm sure there will still be major improvements when I leave my internship, but I'm glad I play a role in the improvement process for the allergen program. The employee quiz will be created within the next two weeks. Stayed tuned!

Allergen manual cover

Happy Hiawatha Fest!
I had a great four day weekend enjoying music and hanging with my UP friends. I loved the relaxed, hippie-like atmosphere and had an awesome time meeting new people, listening to great music and swing dancing the nights away. I must say my favorite band of the weekend was an Irish band called Solas. Check out the list of other bands at

Solas Band
We volunteered three shifts to get our ticket money back, but we had a blast selling tickets and picking up trash. The "green team" shifts allowed us to walk around and still listen to the music, which was quite a treat! It worked out well because I was paired up with my coworkers and friends. If I have the schedule, I am definitely driving up for future Hiawatha festivals! (Although next time I'll make sure I don't drop a weight on my toe the Friday of Hiawatha! Ouch!)

Friends ready for Hiawatha

Holding onto adventure,


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