Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 7 @ OU, Where has the time gone ! :(

So it’s hard to believe that this was our seventh week here at OU, where has the time gone! I guess we were just having such an amazing experience that we didn’t notice how fast the days were going by. As much as I complained about the heat and I still do pretty much every day, I am honestly going to miss it. It rains a lot at home and sometimes isn’t even all that hot considering its summer so leaving this beautiful Oklahoma weather is going to be the worst part L
This week we spent some quality time with Sean Bacon, OU’s Business Systems Manager. On Tuesday he gave us the low-down on his job with Micros (the registers on campus), what he does, what he’s responsible for and software programs he uses. Then on Wednesday Sean and Frank Henry (OU’s best Director ever!) took us to US Foods in the city for a full tour of their warehouse. US Foods is one of the main providers for OU and provides for almost every food service operation on campus, only exceptions are the food chain restaurants. Their warehouse is massive and holds thousands of products ranging from food items and miscellaneous items to chemical cleaners. One cool thing they told us was if you look they do not organize their warehouse by item categories such as keeping all spices together or all soups together. They separate them to keep from shipping wrong items. If all the soups were together it would be easier to grab the wrong kind of soup seeing as all the boxes look similar. US Foods thought of everything when it comes to keeping their customers happy. To end our fabulous tour day Frank and Sean took Kayla and I to the other OU campus (Health Science Center) in the city to Healthy Hearth, the restaurant in the cancer center. Their cancer center is beautiful, so peaceful and relaxing and to top it off they serve amazing food that is available for both patients and students. They offer a large variety of meals and their portion sizes are amazing, you’ll never leave hungry!
 Thursday was a big day for Kayla and I, my anxiety was through the roof! We presented our big in-service presentation to all the managers and our topic was on sugar sweetened beverages, ‘How Big is your Sweet Tooth?’ Sonics RT.44 beverages and 7/11’s Big Gulps are extremely popular here in Oklahoma so we thought this would be a great topic to discuss. I have to give Kayla and myself a pat on the back for this presentation, it was gooooood! We put a lot of work into it and it sure paid off; we handed out post in-service surveys and received nothing but amazing feedback from everyone. It felt so good when we were done, I could breathe again! Haha. Now, with our big projects complete we can spend our last week enjoying what little time we have left and just spend our time doing last minute things before it’s all over and we’re shipped back home L  

Being all professional for our in-service !

Loved our presentation on prezi !

Playing the game we created, fun stuff!

Our sugar board, love it

Our setup

Kayla & I with our amazing preceptor Dot :)

Kayla & I with TJ, shes such a sweety!

Having some fun at Elevation !! :D

The Showoff... hahaha :)

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