Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 4 University of Wyoming

Hello! This month flew by! Is it really July already!? This was a short week of work for me since I was flying back to Ohio for a weekend wedding with my boyfriend. I worked hard to make up most of my hours which was easy since we were working with front of the house this week.

     We started off this week working off the students and the managers in front of the house. Emily and I get to see the students interact with customers and how the set-up process and break down process in the dining room works. On Tuesday we were up bright and early to help with the continental breakfast that was being offered for campers and conferences.  Emily and I each got to try being a cashier and then we helped keep the breakfast foods filled for our guests.  We first started off by setting up the donuts and the banana bread. Everyone was really friendly and it was fun getting to interact with the customers coming in.  Sadly this was one of the bigger weeks and we would be losing all our guests by the end of the week so everything would be slowing down.

Emily cutting Banana Bread!

Yum, donuts!

Working the cash register!

Lemon fluff cupcakes! 

     I enjoyed learning how each station worked and it sure kept me busy. All of the student managers were really friendly and helpful in teaching us about what they do and keeping on each station to see that things are moving slowly.  All of the students work together as a team when they bring down the stations and clean the dining room. Working together and moving to each station one by one was really effective and kept each student worker involved in the process.

    This week were primarily working with Gloria and Francisco who are the supervisors of the front and back of the house.  We got to spend time with each one of them and learned how they operated in the dining room.  Emily and I were given a chance to assign placements of the students (or help with) which was cool.  We each also got to work in the dish room.  I really enjoyed working in the dish room, especially after a long week of working up front. I felt like trying something new.  So Francisco showed me all the machines and how they work. It was really fascinating. The sinks had electrodes attached to them so when the water reached a certain level they would send out small electrical currents (not harmful to the human body) to kill germs.  It was all very high tech.  I got to help Lisa and another student unload the tray machine and sort out trash and dishes.  It got messy but it was fun.
Emily peeling cantaloupe!

The coolest cantaloupe/melon peeler ever!

     Thursday was my last day of the week and I got to work with our newest addition Kaitlyn who is an actual intern for her dietetic internship.  I got to teach her a few things about how things work and show her the ropes.  By the time I knew it I was heading back to Ohio for the wedding.  I got to spend the weekend with boyfriend and enjoy and gorgeous wedding.  We also got to go the Cincinnati Zoo and a park/mall in Centerville, Ohio.  It was a nice, refreshing break to get a little taste of home and spend time with my best friend, but back to work!
Gorgeous flight to Cincinnati
Giraffes at the zoo!

Zoo with my guy!

Manatee's eat heads of lettuce!

Wedding with Brendan! :)
Headed back to Wyoming! 

Until next time! :)

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