Monday, July 8, 2013

The University of Oklahoma, Week 5!

This whole week we were with Catering and got to see all the different areas within it. On Monday we helped Steve (the Catering Chef) with menu development; which is not as easy as it sounds. You have to stick with a genera style and build around it remembering to include a salad, entrĂ©e and dessert. Kayla and I went through about 15 cook books picking recipes that would be both appealing and tasteful. We presented our ideas to Steve and allowed him to pick the items that seemed best for the event (hopefully we picked a couple recipes he could use)! On Tuesday we were with Couch Catering and lucky for us we got to help out with a football catering event (who wouldn’t want to meet a team of football players)? Haha. It was definitely harder than it looked, I was not very good at the whole ‘cleaning tables while people were still eating’ task, I was way too nervous for that! Along with Couch Catering there is also Union Catering on the other end of campus, which is where we were on Wednesday. They did not have a whole lot going on that day so we just observed as much as we could and got to know the staff and their job tasks. One crazy thing about catering is that there are no definite time schedules for events. Your schedule might say 9-5 but you may be at an event until 6 or even 10 at night, it is so unpredictable. On Thursday we helped out with their annual Independence Day BBQ. We cooked up some hotdogs, wrapped them and gave them to everyone who showed up at the pool for the evening. Everyone got free food followed by some pretty amazing fireworks, good night over all.
            The big day finally arrived on Saturday, the Toby Keith Twister Relief Concert! After being in a 100+ degree concession stand, serving 10,000,000 people I swear and not eating or sitting for a good 10 hours, it all paid off when I got to see Toby Keith! I heard the first song and I bolted for the closest entrance and it was well worth the wait. He played all the songs I love and I took about 5 videos; country music is my all-time favorite! Amazing ending to a long day/night!   
Me in the huge catering truck :)

4th of July Fireworks

Me looking small in the stadium

Its almost concert time!!

Holy People ! <3 Toby Keith

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