Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Grand Finale

It's hard to believe that this is my last blog post for the summer! Our time has flown by, but especially our time shadowing managers at the dining halls. Our management experience was three weeks long, but it felt like a blink of the eye.
This past weekend was a big one for State College, PA. Each year they have a huge arts festival, and thousands of people come to town. Everywhere suddenly becomes more crowded and lively. The art is pretty impressive, and not limited to the vendor's tents.

Street art, recreating famous paintings 

Glass flowers - only $2,000! 

Penn State's Old Main at Sunset

The crew! Plus our friend, Lisa, who lives in our dorm
Left to right- Ali, Me, Sinan, Betty (Lisa top left) 

This has been an incredible summer. I can honestly say I am a different person from who I was a few months ago (in a good way!). I hope you've enjoyed perusing my photos and hearing about my experiences as a NACUFS intern.

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