Friday, July 26, 2013

UIUC and a Summary of the End

Hi everyone! Today is my last day here at UIUC and I can't believe how fast this summer has flown by!!!  It has been an amazing experience.  I've learned so much and the experience I've gained here has been incredible!  The past three weeks have seemed to rush by in a blur.  They were busy, fun, and filled with awesome experiences.

I spent a lot of time working in the office, finishing up projects these past three weeks.  I finished updating department bulletin boards, the NACUFS internship manual, and the NACUFS newsletter.  I was also able to develop some cool handouts for a future allergy training event.  I also got to work with CBORD more these past three weeks; entering recipes, finding allergens for menu items, and more.  I was also able to participate in a number of meetings as well.  The meetings were about a number of different things; a themed meal, an allergy training event, a la cart stations, production, a summer camper with food allergies special menu, and innovation.  They were all so interesting and I felt honored when I was asked for my input. 

The Internship Manual that I created.
One of the bulletin boards I updated.  It's all about
what UIUC Dining Services does for special diets.

The other bulletin board.  It lists all of the dining
halls and details their specialty restaurants.

I was also able to work at one of the dining halls, ISR, for a few days.  I had the great opportunity to learn more about forecasting, purchasing, receiving, and menu prepping.  I was also able to help out in the kitchen which is always fun!

Another great opportunity I had was working with the catering department.  One day I was able to work in the catering kitchen, learning all about their operation there and what it takes to prepare for multiple events.  The next day I was able to actually go to one of the events, a wedding reception at Memorial Stadium, and help plate the food!  My time with catering was so busy and exhausting, but I think it was one of my favorite experiences of this internship.  Catering is so fast-paced and demanding; I have so much respect for everyone who works in that field.

The salads we plated included mixed greens, plum slices,
mini mozzarella cheese balls, shredded carrots and a sprig of dill

We were so busy I didn't have time to take pics of the
dinner plates. :( They were beautiful though!

Another great experience I had was working on the Student Sustainable Farm and helping them sell their produce in the University's main quad.  It was just my luck that the day I was scheduled to work on the farm, the Illinois heat and humidity was at its worst! Even though the weather was harsh, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the farm and helping with the farmer's market.  I love that UIUC grows some of their own produce that they use in the dining halls and that everything is grown with Organic methods.  I was able to make a Caprese salad at ISR with the farm's fresh tomatoes...It was amazing!

I want to thank everyone for this amazing summer! I'm so grateful to NACUFS and UIUC for taking me on as a summer intern.  The people that I've met here have been absolutely wonderful.  They have been so kind and helpful, and I have learned so much more than I ever imagined I would!  Thank you for providing me with opportunities that have challenged me, yet have taught me so much and have helped me grow.  I will never forget my summer here in Champaign-Urbana!


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