Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 6 at OU !

me and my bunny friend :)
            Well the humidity outside today is enough to take your breath away! The July heat is settling in and I am not okay with it. I just got my first sunburn yesterday and I do not want another one. After a weekend filled with concert fun and tanning we returned Monday bright and early for 6am receiving and storage. We started off with the easier stuff including dry and refrigerator walk-in storage then we moved onto the dreaded freezer walk-in. We were told it shouldn’t take too long so I figured 10-15 minutes in the cold and we’d be done, and oh was I wrong. Almost 2 hours later and multiple breaks standing outside the freezer trying to get feeling back in my toes, we were finally finished. Couch made their storing process relatively easy with the layout they designed. In the same hallway as the receiving doors are the different storage areas; dry storage, dairy walk-in, produce walk-in, meat walk-in and meat and vegetable walk-in freezer. As we put away the items off the pallets we first had to date the boxes and then use the FIFO storing procedure which is ‘first in, first out’ to ensure food safety. After all the items were checked off the list and put in their proper spots we were finished and thank goodness because that freezer was way too cold for me, even though I am from Canada! 
            On Wednesday and Thursday we were so excited to go to work, we were working at STATBUCKS! Even though I never tried coffee before in my life and personally don’t even like it, I couldn’t wait to go and learn how to make their drinks. We met with their amazing manager Chris who began our day off with a coffee tasting. All together we tried 6 different coffees, pairing them with their preferred foods to enhance flavors and let me tell ya, they weren’t all that bad. Now I probably won’t go out and buy a coffee personally but I’m glad we had the opportunity to learn about and try the different types just so I am educated on the topic. The most interesting fact I learned was that espresso has a time limit, after about 8 seconds the shot goes ‘dead’ and it is not a pleasant flavor! The only thing that saves a shot is milk, so when making a beverage that includes espresso you have to pour the shot in right away or someone is going to have one nasty tasting coffee to start their morning. On Wednesday I was on cold bar (Chris’ logic was since Canada=cold I should enjoy cold bar haha) and Kayla took hot bar. Chris’ amazing team, Janelle, Makenze and Rhonda, were our teachers for the day. Makenze was a champ on cold bar and I still don’t understand how she knows everything! Making those drinks are not as easy as they look; so many different flavor shots and pump amounts, oh my lord! After I survived day 1, day 2 brought along hot bar meaning I would be making all their fancy hot drinks for the day. Hot bar I got down a little quicker, Janelle was a pro and an awesome teacher. I can now make a pretty good latte, mocha or macchiato; my mother’s going to be so proud J Thursday evening Kayla and I went to a dance for Camp Crimson where Starbucks sets up samples for everyone to try while their dancing it up all night long. We thought we would only stay a minute or 2 but we ended up staying the whole time; it was so much fun! The dj played awesome music so we just all joined in on the dancing and pretended we were freshman too! Such an amazing night with amazing people, love the Starbucks team J
Retro Party !

loved it !

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