Sunday, July 7, 2013

University of Wyoming Week 5

Hello! Time continues to fly by and we still have a lot left to learn! This week we worked on recipe development with Chef Mark and enjoy the 4th of July in Laramie.

     We jumped right into work by learning knife cuts with Mark. It was very helpful to learn a new skill, especially one so commonly used in the cooking world.  We used potatoes for testing our knife skills.  After warming up we created our prep lists for the dishes we wanted to create this week.  All the vegetable prep was done this day and it felt good to get a head start on preparing these things.

     Cooking galore! We began creating our dishes for test tasting. It was a little stressful with the amount of  food we had planned to make.  I learned the importance of planning ahead on how you are going to cook something.  It takes a lot of effort to keep everything straight if you are making three things at once.  I was creating Lemon pepper chicken tacos with a cilantro lime slaw, roasted vegetable quinoa with feta, and quinoa with corn and scallions in a lemon sauce (cold).  Katlyn was busy helping Mark with the pizzas, and Emily was busy at work with her dishes.  All the food was really good! We had to split some of the items up so we wouldn't be eating EVERYTHING at once.  We started out with cold salads, and our vegetable sides for our first tasting. Then later that afternoon we had the tacos, a mac and cheese that Mark created, and the pizzas. Lets just say we had very happy bellies by the end of it.
 Mark tasting the food!

Katlyn cooking!
Me displaying food

Quinoa with Corn & Scallions in Lemon Sauce
Roasted Veggies in Quinoa and Feta!


      The morning was spent reweighing a few of our items so we could properly enter them into CBORD.  We played around a bit more with the pizzas which was really yummy.  The three of us were trying to perfect a tasty vegan pizza recipe.  Emily was also creating her Shashuka recipe which was delicious.  Later that day the three of us started filming our nutritional tour of Washakie. We had a lot of fun after we got past our nerves.  I enjoyed working with everyone and it was fun to do something new.  We went around to each station and explained the healthy options.  Be sure to watch Emily, Katlyn, and I in our upcoming film, at a theater near you.
The Shashuka! Yummmm


The fourth of July!!
Emily being skilled at the Freedom has a birthday festival.
Emily and I!
Chef Mark's jazz band Bazmati playing in the park.
We got to watch some good fireworks with the other interns in our dorm.

      Most of the day was spent putting our recipes into CBORD. I enjoyed the process and it felt good to get it done.  Hopefully everything was accurate! Then we spent time writing nutritional articles and researching bakery recipes for the upcoming week.

This weekend I spent copious amounts of time organizing my life, grad school searching, and trying to study for the GRE, bleh.  But Emily and I ended up going to Sweet Melissa's again. If you are ever in Laramie, Wyoming I highly recommend it. Then again I am a little biased. :P Sunday I went to a rodeo with some friends and it was my first one ever! A little sad for the cows but still fun!
Sweet Melissa's
The rodeo!

Until next time!


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